FUNDAPROMAT | National Math Festival


The Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) is a private non-profit Foundation whose mission is to promote the study of mathematics in a fun and innovative way. Through various math outreach events, like Math Jamborees, Virtual Encounters with Outstanding Mathematicians, Webinars on Recreational Mathematics, Virtual Origami Classes, and many more, we seek to inspire our youth to study math or follow a career in STEM. We also want to convince the general population that math is not only fun but it also has many interesting applications.

Our virtual events are free and open to the general public, which means that kids and adults of all ages are welcome to attend. For more information on our upcoming virtual events, you can visit our Calendar of Events on our website: You can also join our database on our website and you can follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, all @fundapromat. You can also contact us directly at [email protected].

La misión de la Fundación Panameña para la Promoción de las Matemáticas (FUNDAPROMAT) es promover el estudio de las matemáticas en la República de Panamá y en el mundo.